I cannot believe we're almost halfway through this pregnancy! It seems to be flying by. Probably because I'm enjoying it so much. I think people like to hear all of the horror stories of pregnancy. I've had a few unpleasantness (we'll get to that in a minute) but even at its worst, it has literally been the best time of my life. I'm not sure if I'm just made for pregnancy, or it is because I've wanted it and have been trying for it for such a long time that it's such a relief to be here, or if the stars have aligned and all is right in the world, but I
love being pregnant. I feel happy,
jubilant all of the time and I'm just so incredibly thankful that this is my life. My belly has rounded out and if you couldn't tell that I'm pregnant by my constant smile, you'd be able to tell by the 6 inches sticking out in front of me.

In other news, my life has been incredibly busy this March and April. We moved! I can't believe that it actually happened, but we moved. With the help of my sweet in-laws, we now have a sweet little townhouse to call our own. And with the help of my sweet family, walls were painted and all of our stuff made it through the front door. In line with our excellent timing--we also adopted two new dogs. Tammy is a 7 year old black Labrador (who has some serious single white female tendencies) and to say that she is obsessed with Jason would be an understatement. She wants to be his everything. And she sits by his side all day--except in the brief moments she pauses to watch Houdini run around. Beverly is a 2 year old Chihuahua-Terrier mix who is basically the most adorable thing ever. She likes to cuddle and wag her little tail. She also enjoys every food ever presented to her, except for watermelon. I adore her.

As for the unpleasantness surrounding pregnancy... around 16 weeks, I started to experience some bleeding, which is probably one of the most concerning things a pregnant person can see. After a few days of bed rest and numerous visits to the doctor, we learned about subchronic hematomas and a thousand other possibilities. The doctors don't seem concerned and I'm instructed to take it easy (something incredibly difficult to do) and to drink a ton of water (equally difficult). There are still days when there's bleeding or clotting, but apparently, that will be my new normal for this pregnancy. Incredibly unnerving, but normal.
Creepy ultrasound picture |
So what's next? We find out the sex of the baby in just two short days. I am so sure that it's a boy. I don't know why, but in my mind I've just been preparing for a boy. If it's a girl, I will be totally surprised. I thought about doing some cute gender reveal like cupcakes with colored fillings or balloons in a box or something like that--but ultimately decided that I just want to know. I don't want a second to go by that I could know and don't. Whatever it is, I'm going to be so excited. Though if it's a boy, we've got some work to do. I have all of my girl names picked out but Jason and I can't seem to find a boy name we especially love.
All in all, life is perfect. Our happily ever after, our dreams come true are all coming together. Every day, we're so thankful to be here and can't wait to meet our son or daughter.
Her Stats:
Weeks Pregnant: 19.75.
Baby size: Mango.
Weeks to go: 20.25.
Cravings: Steak and potatoes. Red meat of any kind. Rainbow popsicles. Macaroni and cheese. Cold coffee and frappuccinos.
Food aversions: Eggs.
Feeling: Wonderful.
Missing most: Being able to comfortably bend over to shave my legs. Sleeping on my stomach.
Loving most: The baby bump. Maternity jeans. Best kept secret ever.
Most excited about: The gender reveal! Can't wait to know! Also, putting together the nursery.
Most worried about: The midwives wanting to discuss my birth plan. Still not there yet.
Gender predictions: Boy. 95% sure.
His Stats:
Patience level: Flatline.
Cravings: Inner peace.
Loving most: My lovely pregnant wife.
Missing most: Nanny Goat Island at 7:00 a.m.
Her worst symptom: Eunice. (the pregnancy pillow)
Feeling: Stressed.
Most excited about: Relaxing in bed.
Most worried about: Grading papers, preparing lecture notes, and studying for my prospectus defense.
Sex predictions: Theseus Testacles.