Saturday, July 26, 2014

30-something weeks

31 weeks
33 weeks
We're in awe how quickly this pregnancy has gone by.  Jason just tried to hug me and was alarmed by the very in the way bump.  I am absolutely gigantic.  Bending over is officially not a thing I can do anymore.  I waddle everywhere.  Sitting do
wn and standing up?  What a chore.  Some days I don't remember what it felt like to not be pregnant.  Up until this point, it flew by.  But now, time is standing still as I struggle to slip the strap of my shoe over my heel or stop twice to catch my breath while trying to climb the stairs.

And with that said, we're just a few weeks shy of finally meeting this little guy.  In fact, starting mid-August, it could be any day.  I waiver between moments of being ready right this minute to total anxiety about the idea of labor.  I still have some things to check off my to-do list, but I'm so tired, I wonder if I will ever get them done before the baby comes.

Last week, my mom and Katie threw me the most beautiful baby shower where no detail was missed.  It rained the whole day and we had a last minute venue change--but it was a beautiful day with good friends and good laughs.  It was so wonderful to feel so much love and have so many people celebrate our baby boy.  And after the shower, I think we're stocked to the max with baby supplies and adorable clothes.  Baby Villarreal is going to be very fashion forward.
Katie, me, Ania, and Courtney
The beautiful spread
My lovely coworkers

Also this week, we had our last ultrasound.  I didn't know it was going to be an ultrasound, so Jason didn't come.  I got to see our baby's little face and I'm certain he has Jason's nose.  It was unreal to see those little cheeks.  I asked the ultrasound tech to confirm one more time that we're having a boy, and she said, "Oh, yes.  Take a good long look."  And yes.  He is definitely a boy.  We got some other pictures, but I can't really be sure what they are.  My mom pointed out that one of them looks like a t-rex, and I have to agree.

Foot and little butt
Proof of him being a boy

 Jason and I have been spending our last few weeks going on dates.  We've seen a few movies, had a few dinner dates, and go on weekend walks.  Usually we spend our date conversations marveling at the idea of having a baby for the rest of our lives.  It's not going to be just a few days, or a few weeks... it's going to be forever.  We're officially a party of three.

Tonight, after this blog post and after we walk the dogs, we're going to start packing our hospital bag for go time.  We're almost there!


Her stats:
Jason at our Baby Basics class
Weeks Pregnant: 33
Baby size: Pineapple or a butternut squash
Fundal height:  34 cm
Baby's heart rate: 135 on Tuesday!
Weeks to go: 7ish (!)
Cravings:  Water.  Juice.  Liquids.

Food aversions: Hotdogs.  Corn dogs are okay.
Feeling:  Exhausted.  Hot.  Emotional.  Swollen.
Missing most: I could really go for a cocktail, to be honest.
Loving most:  Baby kicks and Jason talking excitedly about his son.
Most excited about: Meeting this little guy and seeing Jason hold him.  Also, maternity leave.
Most worried about: Long labor, pain, money, losing baby weight, forgetting to do my kegels.
Must haves for the hospital bag: No idea.  Make up bag and a hair dyer for sure.  No one is taking pictures of me after hours of labor.  No thanks.
My wardrobe consists of:  Hah!  Maternity jorts and whatever is still long enough to fit over this belly.
Something my mom did for me that I'm excited about doing for baby:  I think making holidays super special and teaching me to have a sense of humor.
The last piece of advice I got was: Unsolicited. 

His stats:

Patience level: Greater than average. Cravings: 70 degree weather.
Food aversions: Vegetables.  What kind of question is that?

Jason's first successful swaddle

Loving most: I like the name we picked out.
Missing most: Being able to walk fast.

My pregnant wife is: Annoying--she keeps asking me these questions and won't let me watch my Youtube videos. Her worst symptom:  It used to be yarking, but that was ages ago. Feeling: Aggravated.  If it weren't for the pregnancy, you wouldn't be asking me these questions.  Change my patience level.

Most excited about:  Tax credits. Most worried about: Money.
Must haves for the hospital bag: Bourbon. 
My plan for when she goes into labor is to:  Drive like hell and then look away.
Something my dad did for me that I'm excited about doing for our baby: Protected me from gang members. (what?)
I would describe my wife's walk as:  like a mallard (accompanied by a sound effect)
The last piece of advice I got was:  Something about contractions.  (Helpful.)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

30 Weeks!

It is amazing to me that we are 10 weeks away from holding our baby boy.  This pregnancy has been so fast, I find myself savoring every moment.  I sit on the couch with the fan blowing on me, watching him kick and move around.  He will press against me, and I'll press back and we make a game of it.

I'm on vacation this whole week and I had hoped to spend it sleeping and hydrating.  But last night, our boy kept me up.  He kicks and rocks, and moves, and squirms and it was impossible to get any sleep.  I imagine this is what motherhood is going to feel like.  As he gets bigger, there's less room in there, and his kicks feel extra forceful.  Sometimes they really hurt.

Some other new developments are trips to the bathroom every thirty minutes.  I thought I was going to survive this pregnancy without having to wake up in the night.  Wrong.  As of last week, I'm up twice every night.  In the three minutes I'm up, I try to imagine myself staying awake to feed and rock a baby and I wonder if I'm going to be able to do it.

I've also been incredibly emotional.  Most people who know me find this a little humorous.  I don't cry.  I've never been a crier.  I think I've cried maybe... twice in the last five years?  And one was when I dropped a butter dish on my toe.  These days, it takes the a little bit of heat combined with the right commercial or the wrong comment from Jason, and I'm on a downward spiral that I can't get out of until I sob for a half hour.  Today I had the most nonsensical moment of my life.  I was watching Real Housewives, eating raspberries and bacon, and just sobbing for no reason.  I knew it was absurd as it was happening, but I just couldn't stop it.  I feel so ridiculous sometimes. 

Yesterday, Jason and I toured the hospital with our Centering group.  We asked lots of questions and got lots of answers.  I learned about the epidural and what to expect and when to expect it.  We got to see two different types of birthing balls, tubs to labor in, bars to hold on to, sheets to pull on.  Jason even got some tips on the right and wrong things to say to a laboring woman.  We got to see contraction and baby heartbeat monitors, the nursery, and the post-delivery rooms.  We drove around the emergency room and practiced where we would drop off and park.  It was so informative and incredibly overwhelming.  We're having a baby!  That still hasn't sunk in.
Beverly, guarding the baby belly
Bev's face just cracks me up in this picture. 

So--on the to-do list for the next coming weeks is:
  • Research preparing the dogs for baby
  • Paint that dang diaper changing table
  • Make a list of everything that needs to go in the labor bag
  • Put the labor bag together
  • Buy a birthing outfit (I didn't even know that was a thing)
  • Take a baby basics class
  • Cope with this horrendous heat (omg)
  • Make Jason take an infant CPR & First Aid class
  • Buy and install the car seat
  • Find the perfect middle name
  • Go on a last "just us" date

And that's what's going on over here!

Her stats:
Weeks Pregnant: 30
Baby size: GMO sized cabbage
Fundal height:  30 cm
Baby's heart rate: 140 on average
Weeks to go: 10 (!)

Cravings:  Bacon, berries (all kinds), cherries, cream cheese, chocolate milk, water all the time
Food aversions: Apple juice.  Way too sweet.
Feeling:  Hot.  So hot.  All the time.  God help me.  Is it fall yet?

Missing most: Sleeping without having to get up to pee.  Being able to paint my own toes.

Loving most:  Sleep in general.  Energy.
All of this baby gear makes me feel: Nesty.
My birth plan includes:  lots of drugs.
Most excited about: The epidural.
Most worried about: The epidural.  Episiotomies.
His stats:
Patience level: Moderate.
Cravings: Lamie-os (our name for the Walmart brand Oreos)
Food aversions: Greens
Loving most: Air conditioning.
Missing most: Simpler times.
My pregnant wife is: the best!
Her worst symptom: Wearing my aftershave.
Feeling: Fretful.
All of this baby gear makes me feel: Poor.
I think being a good father means: Being a hero.
My birth plan is to: Drink bourbon. 
Most excited about: The kid.
Most worried about: My sanity.