Sunday, September 7, 2014

39 weeks: Home stretch!

36 Weeks--the very last bump picture.
In some ways, it's hard to imagine that we're finally here in the final days of this pregnancy.  It has been beautiful and lovely and everything I've ever wanted out of a pregnancy (okay, minus the 90+ degree temperatures) and I feel so honored and blessed to have had such a fantastic 40 weeks.  My sweet husband has been everything to me and this year would not have been as amazing without his constant love, doting, positive reminders, and excellent saving abilities which allowed for the maternity leave of my dreams.  I will always fondly remember our last dates as a family of two, the before bed conversations wondering what our baby will look like, the early mornings when neither of us could sleep so we spent it having a candlelit breakfast awing over the concept of parenthood.  If I'm being honest with myself, I'm absolutely terrified of this new life we're about to have.  For five years, it's been just us and so quickly, it's all about to change.  But all of that anxiety melts away when I picture the man I love holding the baby we made.
Bev did not enjoy being put in the Moby. 

The end of August marked the beginning of my maternity leave.  The last few weeks really proved incredibly difficult and I have so much respect for women who managed to work right up until their epidural.  By 3:00, my back ached and I could barely stand upright.  My swollen feet could barely fit into my shoes, and my eyelids were heavy and ready for a nap.  Jason's excellent saving allowed me to ring in September with extra sleep, feet up in the air, and a mini-vacation before this baby comes.  No complaints here.

Now we're just playing the waiting game, and I'm the ticking time bomb.  I've packed our freezer with crock pot meals, washed and folded all of the baby clothes, put together all of the baby gear and it doesn't feel like there's much left to do except take another nap, catch up on Real Housewives, and awe ourselves with the idea that any week, any day, any hour could mark our baby boy's arrival.

Swole.  Ready for baby to come on.  39 weeks.
I hope to get another update in with pictures of his nursery.  Maybe in between naps.  :)


Her Stats
Weeks pregnant: 39
Weeks to go:  1
Baby size: Watermelon
Fundal height: 40cm
Baby's heart rate:  145 last Tuesday
Cravings:  Mashed potatoes!  Cheesecake!  Pickled things!  Shrimp cocktail!
Food aversions:  Hotdogs.
Feeling:  Sleepy and very swollen.
Missing most:  Wearing my wedding rings.  Bending over.  My feet being a normal size.
Loving most:  Being ready.
Most excited about:  Being able to sleep on my stomach again!
Most worried about:  Labor.  Going into labor.  Pain.
The nicest thing someone has said to me while pregnant:  "I hope I look as great as you do at 9 months." 
The worst thing someone has said to me while pregnant:  "How many fathers have you narrowed it down to?"
When our baby grows up, I think he'll be a:  MMA fighter.

His Stats
Patience level:  Level orange.
Cravings:  Fish and mashed potatoes.
Food aversions: Greens.
Feeling:  Level orange.
Most excited about:  The baby and Tammy's first face to snout meeting.
Most worried about: Projectile bodily fluids.
The hardest part about this whole pregnancy was: Sympathy hunger pangs.
The best part about this whole pregnancy was:  Ashley throwing up in the Walmart parking lot.
The best advice I've gotten so far: Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
When baby grows up, I hope he becomes a:  A warrior priest.