So in the past three weeks, we've had two major snow storms, learned that we are basically being evicted from our apartment in May, finally figured out our insurance situation, and had our first doctor's appointment cancelled (due to snow).
Looks like morning sickness hit her peak on week 8. That isn't to say that I don't still have my moments, but thankfully, it's on the decline. My skinny jeans and bras are officially too snug and I definitely have started to feel pregnant. I think my weight is shifting to my sides and thighs and I feel weird in all of my clothes. But not weird enough to warrant maternity jeans. I think it may be time to invest in a Bella Band. This elasticy band of fabric allows you to unbutton your pants and covers the better part of your torso. It's supposed to give you a little more time before buying full paneled maternity pants. Buying maternity jeans sounds like an ungodly nightmare, so we'll stall as long as we can. If that weren't enough, I'm tired all the time. I probably sleep 12 hours a night (on nights that I'm not tossing and turning) and take 3 hours worth of naps. Longer on weekends. Without coffee, I don't know how I make it through the day. I'm always exhausted and at the end of the day, I barely have the energy to climb the three flights of stairs into our apartment. In addition, my Pinterest board has gotten a little nuts. See it here.
Speaking of apartments, we're being evicted! Our apartment building, which we've lived in for almost five years, is redoing the air conditioning system, and all tenants are being shoveled out. The day after we found out, we browsed some other buildings in our complex and truly couldn't see ourselves living in any of them. They seemed tight, ugly, and uncomfortable. We ventured out to a few other complexes and some of them seemed promising. Right now, we have our eyes locked on a townhouse. There's a lot to it and I don't have the energy to pick new housing arrangements, so ultimately, I'm filing this one under Jason's to-do list.
Under my to-do list was to figure out my insurance and find a physician. I did it, finally. Only to have Athens covered in three inches of snow and ice and have my appointment cancelled. I tried to reschedule, but I think they're very overbooked due trying to reschedule three days worth of cancelled appointments. I hope to get something next week. We'll see. As for my physician... the easiest place to schedule an appointment was with The Midwives. They're very Athens and very earthy-hippy and I'm very... not. But I know plenty of GMO-eating, SUV driving, carbon foot printing ladies who used the midwives and had a lovely experience. I figure it can't hurt to meet them and see if it's for me. Worst case scenario--it's not and I find someone more traditional.
Several friends and acquaintances have had their babies or are about to have their babies, and think that it's really time that I start researching my birthing plan. I have never felt less ready for something than labor and birth. Is it weird to break out in hives at the very thought of going into labor? Because I totally do. Don't google "perineal massage" because OH-MY-GOD. I am absolutely not there. I'm not even ready to think about being there. I know billions of women have done it, and have done it without the joys of modern medicine. And I know that there's nothing I can do about it now, eventually this baby is coming out. But I'm not there yet. I'm thinking I'll be ready to start thinking about it at about 7 months.

Love and exhaustion,
Her Stats:
Weeks Pregnant: 10.25
Baby size: Kumquat-Lime
Weeks to go: 29.75
Cravings: Strawberry-banana smoothies, pork fried rice, turkey sandwiches (which are off the menu, unfortunately), fruit punch, egg rolls, spaghetti with meatballs, baby bell cheese, mints, bagels with cream cheese, cookies.
Food aversions: Refried beans, coffee, hot dogs, taco meat, Cheetos,
Feeling: Sleepy all the time, pudgy, weepy, and a little nauseous.
Missing most: Lattes, not getting up to pee in the middle of the night, sleeping like a log.
Loving most: Telling people. I feel so blessed to have so many people who already love my baby.
Gender predictions: ...mmmm... 75% boy, 25% girl.
One thing you want the baby to know: "We already love you so, so much. You keep me awake at night, thinking of how much we're going to cuddle and love you."
His Stats:
Patience level: Moderate.
Cravings: Money.
Loving most: Pinterest (I want to add that he just discovered pinterest by snooping on my board, and though he doesn't want people to know, he's kind of obsessed).
Missing most: Childhood.
Her worst symptom: Eating my cookies.
Feeling: Nothing.
Gender predictions: Taxi cab driver.
One thing you want the baby to know: "I want you to be a hero and save mankind."
I still can't believe you are going to have twins. Haha... So very happy for you both. Why, does it make me smile, to know that Jason is a closet Pinterest addict. I would laugh, to see Jeff do this. Hey, tell the Chippers, that Grammy GiGi has a toys for them.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Mom and Dad
Nice try, mom. Don't wish for twins. One is enough. And certainly don't state it as fact. You scare people.
DeleteA heroic taxi cab driver is a step up from birthing a lumberjack. I think... I'm glad you're not feeling so sick anymore, and was super excited to see the ultrasound. Cute little peanut you've got yourself there.
ReplyDelete~Auntie Liz
When he saw the ultrasound he said, "That's our man." He's so confident.