Saturday, January 4, 2014


Well!  We're pregnant!  It has been such a long journey and I feel like I've been waiting for this moment my whole life.  It is such a relief to be here.  Maybe another time, I'll tell you about all of our fertility woes, but for now, suffice it to say that it has been a long time coming and the past few days have been the happiest of my life.

I saw the first hint of a line the morning of New Year's Eve.  I waited and waited to test again that evening, and there it was.  A very faint line--but a line!  We were pregnant!  I took two more tests and then burst into tears.

I wish I could say that I told Jason in some very romantic way.  Like Becky told Uncle Jesse--with baby corn, baby back ribs, and baby shrimp.  Lori Loughlin has it together a bit better than I do.  Jason was on the phone with his best friend, Brian, when I burst into the room and mouthed, "We're pregnant!"  Jason all but hung up on Brian and demanded to see the line.  And then we hugged, and sobbed (well, me anyway), and hugged, freaked out, and hugged some more.  We're going to be parents!  And based on my calculations, in September.   A Virgo!  Just what we wanted (shout out to Jay and Emma)!

Jason called Brian back, and that's how Brian became the first to know.  After a three minute acknowledgement of this great news, their conversation steered back to ninjas, or video games, or The Professor, or whatever those two nerds talk about.  When you've been friends for almost 30 years, maybe there's some kind twin-type telepathy.  I don't know.  Men are weird creatures.

We had one day to ponder the news before I headed back to work, and we spent it pouring over What to Expect When You're Expecting.  We learned that our baby is the size of a poppy seed and looks like a little tadpole and that Jason can expect me to start vomiting profusely in the next few weeks.  "I'm okay with getting you ice cream, and rubbing your feet--but can you just tell me when you're going to start being irrational?  I can't handle that and I kind of need to know."  According to the book, it can start next week and last through the pregnancy.  Strap on your boots, cupcake.  It's going to be a long ride.

We went on a walk through the forest behind our house and contemplated aloud how our lives will be so different.  It's been just us for the last four and a half years.  Just the two of us cuddling on the couch, going on dates, buying groceries, going on vacation.  In nine months, it's going to be so different.  We're never going to have this time again.  I've wished for a baby for years, and now here I am cherishing the alone time I have with my husband and clinging on to every tender moment in this little home we've created.  I know there will be so many joys and new tender moments with Chip, but one day, I'll miss this.

Later at the grocery store, Jason spotted a pack of diapers.  "88 diapers for $16.99.  That's a great deal!  Why do people complain about the cost of diapers?  That should last us a month, right?"  I got a good laugh at that.  His jaw dropped to his chest when I told him that would last us 8-9 days.  Maybe.

So next we decided we would wait until we were 8 weeks to tell anyone else.  That lasted three days.  My parents came to visit and I had the genius idea to tell them I wanted to take their picture, and instead made a video of their reactions.

We desperately wished we could tell Jason’s parents in person, but they’re on the other side of the continent so it was a phone call. 
And then we told our siblings.
As this is the first grandchild on both sides, reactions were exactly as you’d expect: happiness, elation, shock, concern, but mostly excitement. 
After such a big day of secret revealing, we are exhausted.  We can’t wait to meet our little Chippy and are thrilled to have everyone in the know.

We hope this blog will help bridge the distance between Georgia, Florida, and California.  We’ll update you with all the big news as we get it.   Jason has promised to write in a few updates, too.

With love,
Her Stats:
Weeks Pregnant:  4.
Baby size:  Poppy seed.
Weeks to go: 36.
Cravings:  Ice cream, lemon water, and blackberries.
Feeling:  Sleepy all the time.  But still rational!
Missing most:  Lots of coffee.
Gender predictions:  Boy.

His Stats:
Patience level: Moderate.
Cravings: Peace.
Missing most: Peace.
Her worst symptom: None yet.
Feeling: Tired but contemplative.
Gender predictions: Boy.


  1. Loving thoughts and prayers for all (3) of you. We will fasten our seat belts and hang on for the ride during the next months. This little one will be born into a cradle of tenderness with amazing parents and awestruck family members. Love, Mom/Dad

  2. We feel so blessed knowing that your dreams are coming true. We love you both so much and we know both of you are going to be amazing parents. You both have wonderful qualities and traits that will overflow into your child. We will be praying, for you all throughout your pregnancy, that all goes super and that you deliver a healthy, happy baby! God has truly given you a great blessing and we give him thanks! Love and hugs, Mom and Dad
